
Dear friends, collaborators & community,

With little boasting or comparisons to other non profits I write you again this year to make a humble request and ask that you consider donating to OverExposure during GiveMN – Give to the Max Day, the annual giving drive on November 13, 2014.

Our achievements are modest, but hold great promise for the next year. Our website  has been redesigned to be more engaging, user-friendly and act as a platform to showcase past projects as well as inform about opportunities within and outside of the organization. We are truly excited to share this with you.

Next year we hope to build upon this platform and hire a writer to create engaging commentary on contemporary documentary, opportunities for photographers within Minnesota and better utilize our social media channels to promote documentary project and professional opportunities to local photographers. By doing this, we hope to continue to engage our community as well as position ourselves to grow even more in the coming years.

We are dedicated to the rich tradition, power, and deft ability for documentary photography work to insightful narratives about issues that directly impact and affect the Midwest and look forward to continuing this tradition.

Through your support we look to expanded projects and programs that will further enlighten, engage, and inform our viewing public on relevant social issues.

Please mark your calendars for Thursday 11/13/14 and donate to OverExposure

The process is simple:

1) Go to:
2) Schedule a gift by selecting OverExposure and continue the process.

In advance, thank you for your support and your continual support of the organization




Susan Boecher
Executive Director